Adopt An Alleyway
Adopt An Alleyway or AAA was found in 1991 by Rev. Norman Fong and local high schoolers. The mission of AAA started with alleyway beautification projects through clean-ups, however, has expanded since then to include service learning projects with elderly tenants and younger children from families who are low-income and live in residential hotels called single room occupancies.
Service Events
MeetingsAlways held on the first fridays of every month, our meetings are the best way to come and learn about our upcoming events happening throughout the month while snacking and relaxing after a school day!
Tenant ServicesOne of the goals of Adopt an Alleyway has always been to bridge the generation gap. Through our tenant service events, youth leaders and volunteers would plan and do fun activities such as arts and crafts, cooking, English lessons, and games with senior residents of CCDC's SRO buildings.
Super SundayUsually taking place on the fourth Sundays of every month, Super Sunday is an event that are planned and run by youth leaders and volunteers that engages in games and activities with kids from SRO families. Giving both volunteers and kids the opportunity to get out and do arts and crafts as well as games.
Alleyway MonitoringGoing back to our roots, Adopt An Alleyway was founded with the original intent of grading Chinatown alleyways, to create attention to the cleanliness problem within them. In 2020, After years of advocacy, we were able to convince the city to recognize these alleyways as public streets and to find funding to clean it. However, illegal dumping in these alleyways has been an increasing problem within community and thus we are back out on the streets again, recording and grading the alleyways once more.