Tenant Services take place twice a month at two different SRO locations in Chinatown. Through engaging activities, we try to bridge the generation gap between the youth and elderly in Chinatown. Because seniors are often restricted within the Chinatown community by language barriers and physical limitations, we play a a wide range of activities spanning from baking and making crafts.
Cabinet Meeting
A select pair of cabinet leaders organize and facilitate a discussion with the rest of the cabinet to review the events from the current month and plan for the next month. The cabinet leaders reflect over the past events from the month, bringing up what went well and what should be changed. “Points” or leaders are selected for planning the events for next month and ideas from everyone are proposed to get a sense of what the cabinet wants.
We provide workshops to youth dependent on topics/skills that they are interested in learning. Some past workshops that we have done is financial literacy, interview, resume, public speaking, facilitation, and etc.
General Retreat (camping)
Every year, Youth leaders work together over a period of a few months to plan Adopt an Alleyway’s camping trip. Everything from the location of the campsite, food eaten on the trip, and activities and games played are decided by the youth in the committee. All youth leaders are invited to participate in this three day, overnight escape where they work together to do tasks like setting up tents and cooking in order to help the leaders bond and become more comfortable working with each other.
iPad Lessons
SAT/ College Prep
Through our program, a cohort of high school youth will have a supportive staff member, volunteers, and a structured learning environment. During the program sessions, the youth take practice tests as a study group and prepare for college applications. In addition, the youth will have access to SAT Study guides and examination books, vocabulary software, and college student mentors. We strive to provide low-income youth with resources that they may otherwise not be able to afford or have access to without our program.
Super Sunday
Feeling a tad down? Then come to Super Sunday to hang out with some kids and relieve the stress. Many SRO youth come to Woh Hei Yuen once a month to have fun and play games while their parents are at a meeting learning about their rights. Instead of cooping SRO youth up at home, AAA leaders spend the day to take care of children.
Youth Tenant Services
Youth leaders plan and lead games and activities at an affordable housing for the kids living there. This gives the kids a chance to have fun with each other, learn, and try new things together outside of school and home. Different from our other events, we interact with the same kids from the same building every month which gives us an opportunity to really get to know the kids and connect and grow with them.
General Meeting
To give youth leaders a good idea of what’s going on this month, the cabinet leaders facilitate general meeting. First, youth leaders gather to do an icebreaker to get to know everyone better. Then snacks are provided as the facilitators give a run down of the events, bondings, and miscellaneous activities for the month.
Every month, the appointed cabinet member organizes and plans for an activity for all of the youth leaders to participate in. In the past, we’ve done activities like badminton, movie night, ice skating, and much more. Bonding days give youth leaders an opportunity to spend time with each other while doing something leisurely, allowing them to work together while having fun and giving them access to new or different activities than they are used to.
Community Garden
The program aims to educate youth to focus on three main learning areas of 1) Wastewater Treatment System & Environmental Stewardship; 2) Hetch Hetchy Water System and Water Conservation; and 3) Clean Power and Energy Efficiency.